TIP #85: CUSTOM COMPARISONS IN TCLTEST ======================================== Version: $Revision: 1.14 $ Author: Arjen Markus Don Porter State: Final Type: Project Tcl-Version: 8.4 Vote: Done Created: Thursday, 31 January 2002 URL: https://tip.tcl-lang.org85.html Post-History: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT ========== This TIP proposes a simple mechanism to make the /tcltest/ package an even more flexible package than it already is by allowing the programmer to define his or her own comparison procedures. Such procedures can deal with issues like allowing a (small) tolerance in floating-point results. RATIONALE =========== The /test/ command of the package /tcltest 2.0/ supports the comparison of the actual result with the expected result by a number of methods: exact matching, glob-style matching and matching via a regular expression, according to the /-match/ option. The flexibility is indeed enhanced over the package /tcltest 1.0,/ as it is now much easier to allow for small variations in /string/ results. But it is nearly impossible to define an accurate test that checks if floating-point results are the "same" - exact matching will seldom suffice due to platform-specific round-off errors or differences in formatting a floating-point number (/0.12/ versus /.12/ for instance). It is also impossible to compare results that are not easily expressed as strings, for instance an application that produces binary files that need to be compared or simply very long strings - these could easily be stored in an external file, but would be awkward in a file with a large number of such tests. PROPOSAL ========== The package /tcltest 2.0.2/ defines an internal comparison procedure, /CompareStrings/ that performs matching according to the three built-in /-match/ options of /test/. This procedure can easily be replaced by one that invokes registered commands or procedures. Such a command or procedure takes two arguments and returns 1 for a match and a 0 for failure, just as /CompareStrings/ does in the current implementation: proc myMatchProc { expected actual } { if { $expected (is somehow equal) $actual } { return 1 } else return 0 } } A new public command /customMatch/ is proposed for the purpose of registering these matching commands. It can register a procedure, such as /myMatchProc/ defined above: ::tcltest::customMatch mytype myMatchProc or, as in the sample implementation, an incomplete command: ::tcltest::customMatch exact [list ::string equal] When the /test/ command is called with the /-match mytype/ option, the command /myMatchProc/ will be completed with two arguments, the expected and actual results, and will be evaluated in the global namespace to determine whether the test result matches the expected result. Likewise, the /test/ option /-match exact/ will cause matching to be tested by the command /::string equal/. The default value of the /-match/ option will continue to be /exact/. Allowing procedures to be invoked by their type names gives us the flexibility to register as many such procedures or commands as required. Because this proposal adds a new public command to the /tcltest/ package, the version will be incremented to 2.1. A patch to the current HEAD that implements this proposal is available as Tcl Patch 521362 at the Tcl project at SourceForge. TWO EXAMPLES ============== To show how this works, we include two simple examples: * Testing a package for calculating mathematical functions like Bessel functions. * Testing for negative results, as when providing an alternative, but incompatible implementation of a feature. First, suppose you have defined a package for calculating the value of a general Bessel function, just the sort of function that returns floating-point numbers. Then the results may be imprecise due to rounding-off errors, different values of /tcl_precision/ or, even more banally, differences in the formatting of floating-point numbers (/0.12/ versus /.12/ for instance). The following shows how to do this: # # Test implementation of Bessel functions # (Table only provides 4 decimals) # customMatch 4decimals matchFloat4Decimals proc matchFloat4Decimals { expected actual } { return [expr {abs($expected-$actual) <= 0.5e-4}] } test "J0-1.1" "J0 for x=1.0" -match 4decimals -body { J0 1.0 } -result 0.7652 test "J1-1.1" "J0 for x=1.0" -match 4decimals -body { J1 1.0 } -result 0.4401 The second example occurs for instance when testing alternative implementations: you want to check that the original standard feature is failing whereas the new but incompatible alternative gets it right. Then: proc matchNegative { expected actual } { set match 0 foreach a $actual e $expected { if { $a != $e } { set match 1 break } } return $match } customMatch negative matchNegative # # Floating-point comparisons are imprecise. The following # test returns typically such a list as {643 1357 1921 79 781 1219} # so nothing even close to the expected values. # test "ManyCompares-1.2" "Compare fails - naive comparison" \ -match negative -body { set naiv_eq 0 set naiv_ne 0 set naiv_ge 0 set naiv_gt 0 set naiv_le 0 set naiv_lt 0 for { set i -1000 } { $i <= 1000 } { incr i } { if { $i == 0 } continue set x [expr {1.01/double($i)}] set y [expr {(2.1*$x)*(double($i)/2.1)}] if { $y == 1.01 } { incr naiv_eq } if { $y != 1.01 } { incr naiv_ne } if { $y >= 1.01 } { incr naiv_ge } if { $y > 1.01 } { incr naiv_gt } if { $y <= 1.01 } { incr naiv_le } if { $y < 1.01 } { incr naiv_lt } } set result [list $naiv_eq $naiv_ne $naiv_ge $naiv_gt $naiv_le $naiv_lt] } -result {2000 0 2000 0 2000 0} makes sure that a mismatch is treated as the expected outcome. ALTERNATIVES AND OBJECTIONS ============================= Of course, it is possible to achieve these effects within the current framework of /tcltest/, by putting these match procedures inside the body of the test case. No extra user command would be necessary then. There are at least two drawbacks to this approach: * The result against which we want to match is hidden in the code * If the test fails, the actual result is not printed (at least not by the /tcltest/ framework). As a matter of fact, the proposed mechanism actually simplifies the current implementation of the three match types to a certain degree by turning a switch between the three types into an array index. SEE ALSO ========== Tcl Feature Request 490298. HISTORY ========= /Cameron Laird/ was quite enthousiastic about the idea of providing custom match procedures. /Mo DeJong/ requested the explicit examples (the second is actually the situation that triggered this TIP in the first place). /Don Porter / revised the registration mechanism such that an arbitrary set of matching commands or procedures can be supported. His suggestions led to a revision of the TIP. He also revised the draft implementation. COPYRIGHT =========== This document is placed in the public domain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP AutoGenerator - written by Donal K. Fellows