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Tcl'2002 Tutorial Bios

9th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

Main Registration Schedule Tutorials Info Archive

September 16-20, 2002
Vanco uver , BC, Canada

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due April 30, 2002
Notification to authors May 27, 2002
Author materials due August 20, 2002
Conference starts September 16, 2002
Email Contact

We are pleased to bring you the 9th Annual Tcl/Tk conference (Tcl'2002), sponsored by ActiveState .

On of the many great reasons to attend the Tcl conference is the tutorials presented by renowned leaders and experts in the Tcl community. They will be sharing with you their knowledge of Tcl/Tk and its extensions, and experience in developing large, versatile and robust applications - information and techniques which will assist you in your day-to-day Tcl programming needs.

Tutorial Presenters

Steve Ball

Parsing XML With TclXML
Scripting XML With TclDOM
Transforming XML With TclXSLT

Steve Ball is Chief Technical Officer at Australia-based Zveno. He is the author of Web Tcl Complete (McGraw-Hill), several magazine articles and numerous research papers. Steve has also developed and manages a number of Open Source software projects, including the XSLT Standard Library, TclXML, TclDOM, TclXSLT, the waX Me Lyrical XML editor and the Plume Web browser.

Since 1997 Steve has been involved in XML standards and in developing best practises for engineering XSL stylesheets and designing XML documents. He has been an XML consultant for several organisations, including the Australian Parliament, ABC, State and Federal Government Departments and has been training Web authors and developers in all XML related topics, such as XML, XSL, XML Schemas, SVG and DocBook.

Previously Steve was a researcher at the Australian National University, and the Advanced Computational Systems Co-Operative Research Centre.

Clif Flynt

Advanced Encapsulation and Modularization Techniques
Writing a Tcl Extension in C
Tcl Databases

Clif Flynt has been a professional programmer since 1978, and a Tcl advocate since 1993. His dual interests in programming and teaching have led him to developing both scientific and business software, teaching at Grinnell College, writing about Tcl/Tk and delivering Tcl/Tk corporate training.

Clif's Tcl projects include TclTutor, a computer based instruction package, The book Tcl/Tk For Real Programmers from Academic Press, and regular Tclsh Spot articles for ;login: magazine.

Mark Harrison

Client/Server Programming

Mark Harrison works on distributed computing at Pixar Animation Studios. Prior to this he was Chief Software Architect at AsiaInfo Holdings, where he designed mission-critical software for the China Internet Backbone. He has been programming in Tcl since 1991 and is co-author of "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" and "Tcl/Tk Tools".

George Howlett

Building Better Applications with BLT

George Howlett has been using Tcl/Tk to develop software for Electronic Computer-Aided Design (ECAD) since 1990. He also has taught more than a hundred Tcl/Tk courses. George is the author of the BLT Toolkit, a popular extension to Tcl/Tk. His chapter The BLT Toolkit is part of the Tcl/Tk Tools book published by O'Reilly & Associates. George is currently a principle software engineer for Silicon Metrics, Corp. in Austin, Texas.

Ken Jones

Enough Expect to be Dangerous
Weaving Multi-Threaded Applications

Ken Jones, President of Avia Training and Consulting, has hundreds of in-class hours teaching advanced technical topics, and almost 20 years experience in technical training and documentation targeted towards software developers.

Prior to founding Avia, Ken was lead instructor at Ajuba Solutions (formerly Scriptics), which provided advanced business-to-business e-commerce solutions based on XML and Tcl. While at Ajuba Solutions, Ken worked with John Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl, Brent Welch, author of Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, and other key developers of the Tcl language. Ken also has worked for companies including Borland, Silicon Graphics, and Sybase where he specialized in products for creating graphical user interfaces and for providing database connectivity.

Michael McLennan

Object-Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl] (Part 1)
Object-Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl] (Part 2)

Michael McLennan has been a Tcl/Tk enthusiast since 1992. He has taught more than 100 Tcl/Tk courses, and is co-author of Effective Tcl/Tk Programming and Tcl/Tk Tools. He also developed [incr Tcl], an object-oriented extension of Tcl/Tk. Michael received a Ph.D. in 1990 from Purdue University, and is currently an Architect at Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

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