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Tcl New and Proven 2014 Schedule

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21st Annual Tcl/Tk Conference
November 10-14, 2014

Tcl New and Proven

Celebrating Innovative Programming Tools Since 1989

Embassy Suites Downtown, Portland, Oregon, USA

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due September 8, 2014
Notification to authors September 22, 2014
Author materials due October 20, 2014
Tutorials start November 10, 2014
Conference starts November 12, 2014
Email Contact

Sponsored by the Tcl Association We are pleased to announce the 21st Annual Tcl/Tk conference (Tcl, New and Proven: 2014), sponsored by The Tcl Association, with help from:
Noumena Corporation , Digital Smarties , SR Technology, Buonacorsi Foundation, Mentor Graphics , and ActiveState .

One of the many great reasons to attend the Tcl conference is the tutorials presented by renowned leaders and experts in the Tcl community. They will be sharing with you their knowledge of Tcl/Tk and its extensions, and experience in developing large, versatile and robust applications - information and techniques which will assist you in your day-to-day Tcl programming needs.

Keynote Speaker

Christian Werner

Christian Werner is a self-employed software engineer and consultant living and working in Southern Germany. He developed open source ODBC and JDBC drivers for the popular SQLite engine and an ODBC binding for the Ruby programming language. He frequently uses Tcl/Tk in his paid work (mainly automation and communication) since the mid-nineties and recently started the AndroWish project, a native port of Tcl/Tk on the Android platform.

Tutorial Presenters

Clif Flynt

Clif Flynt has been a professional programmer since 1978, and a Tcl advocate since 1993. His dual interests in programming and teaching have led him to developing both scientific and business software, teaching at Grinnell College and Eastern Michigan University, writing about Tcl/Tk and delivering Tcl/Tk corporate training.

Clif's Tcl projects include TclTutor, a computer based instruction package, The book Tcl/Tk:A Developer's Guide from Morgan Kauffman, and regular Tclsh Spot articles for ;login: magazine.

Jeff Hobbs

Jeff Hobbs (Mr. Tclguy) is the Core Release Manager for the Tcl language. He has maintained the TK Usage FAQ since 1996. Jeff is the technical lead for Tcl technologies at ActiveState. Previously, he was the Tcl Ambassador at Scriptics, maintaining communications between the Tcl community and Scriptics and managing development of the Tcl core.

Jeff is probably responsible for more Tcl bug fixes than anyone else and is a co-author of Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (Fourth Edition), published by Prentice Hall.

Gerald Lester

Gerald Lester has been giving tutorials at conferences for over 20 years. Gerald is President of KNG Consulting , LLC. Prior to setting out on his own, he was Directory of Technology at TicketSwitch USA. He had also worked for Computerized Processes Unlimited for over 15 years where he was one of the early adapters of Tcl/Tk and presented a paper at first Tcl/Tk Conference (then called the Tcl/Tk Workshop) about the first "large" Tcl/Tk application (~300,000 lines of Tcl/Tk code). Gerald has been on the Tcl/Tk Conference Committee numerous times and has chaired the conference three times. Gerald is one of the maintainers for both TclHttpd and TclLib and author of the popular "Web Services for Tcl" package.

Joe Mistachkin

Joe Mistachkin (pronounced "miss-tash-kin") is a software engineer and one of the maintainers of Tcl/Tk. He is also the author of the TclBridge component and the Eagle scripting language. He has been working in the software industry since 1994.

Sean Woods

Sean Woods has been programming since he was 10 years old. He discovered Tcl/Tk in 1996, and has been programming in it ever since. (If given half a chance.) Along the way he has used Tcl for factory automation, system administration, and web services. He worked at the Franklin Institute Science Museum as their Senior Network Engineer for 10 years. And since 2008 he has been working for Test and Evaluation Solutions, developing the Integrated Recoverability Model.

Sean is a caretaker of lost extensions in the community, occasional bug finder, and font of ideas. He has been presenting at Tcl conferences since 2006. And if you get a few drinks into him, he may just re-stage the presentation that earned him the nickname "The Hypnotoad".

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